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Questions tagged [environmental-climate]

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Why basal metabolic rate is increased under high environmental temperature?

Is it true that human basal metabolic rate increases under high temperatures? If so, why does this happen? What are the underlying biological processes that are activated in very warm climates? I find ...
Le0pold's user avatar
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What other diseases can be alleviated by warm climates? [closed]

Dignity Health lists Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's Disease, and Heart Disease. But what other diseases can be lessened by moving to a warmer climate? The following articles don't stipulate the ...
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What kills more people worldwide each year, cold or heat?

What kills more people worldwide each year, cold or heat? The above article points out that in the USA, NOAA says ...
DJG's user avatar
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Use of alcohol for keeping body warm

Recently I traveled to a cold place and after I drank alcohol there I could feel that this consumption of alcohol kept me warm. While feeling of coldness differs from person to person, I ask: Is it ...
Arun Killu's user avatar
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What's important when getting an artificial sunlight lamp?

Artificial daylight lamps are frequently recommended as an intervention to improve mood in the winter months. Image from Wikipedia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4....
Christian's user avatar
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Are there any negative health effects associated with breathing in air surrounding sulphur hot springs?

Are there any negative health effects associated with breathing in air surrounding sulphur hot springs? I would be interested in what sort of gaseous compounds might be found in such air, which might ...
O0123's user avatar
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Why does my nose run like a faucet when I'm outside in blustery wet weather?

What about cold blustery wet weather makes my nose run like crazy? I've read online that it's because the air is dry... but I live in Vancouver and it's super damp here so I'm not sure that's why my ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Cleaning to rid house of cat allergen after cat is gone

We discovered through a blood test that our 3yo is severely allergic to cats. We have two cats who are 7 and 8 respectively and we're adopted as kittens. So their hair and dander is all over ...
TheSmallestOne's user avatar
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Catch a cold from the grass?

Every time I play with the dogs in the backyard, then the next day I get what feels like a 24-hour head cold. I've verified this at least 7 times. This doesn't happen to me when we run around on any ...
stromox's user avatar
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Are influenza vaccinations the same worldwide?

Are influenza vaccinations a.k.a. flu shots the same worldwide? For example, if the patient gets a flu shot in South Korea in October, then spends the winter in the United States, would the protection ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Is there a pattern of increased aggression/violent behaviors in hotter climates? Scientific Research? Mixed reviews

I've heard it several times before that hotter climates regions of the world often have more individuals that exhibit more aggression and violent behavior than colder climates do (that is not to say ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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How to solve the problem of dry lips

I speak quite a lot in my job, get my mouth dry, so I drink some water. But my lips get extremely dry. Are there some ways to prevent it? I live in a subtropical weather, temperatures range from 0 ...
Adriano's user avatar
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Map of ragweed infested countries

I have a very serious ragweed allergy and I am living in Hungary which is pretty much super infested. I started wondering which countries are affected by this lovely plant, because I don't want to ...
atoth's user avatar
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