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Questions tagged [edema]

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A swollen body organ filled with fluid

I was wondering how shall I describe one's foot, knee etc. which due to some injuries in sport has swollen and is filled with fluid. It is most of the time painful and can cause you feel uncomfortable....
A-friend's user avatar
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Water retention from medicines and obesity

Some medicines cause "water retention". I don't know how "general" such water retention can be, that is, if it effects all over the body or on specific organ/s. According to ...
freethinker's user avatar
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How does refeeding syndrome cause pitting edema?

In the answer to "How do you feed a starving person in a way that won't kill them?", it is mentioned that refeeding syndrome can cause peripheral edema. How does this occur?
D.Tan's user avatar
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Is hydrothorax considered as edema?

In _Robbins Basic Pathology 9th ed., edema is defined as [E]dema is an accumulation of interstitial fluid within tissues. Extravascular fluid can also collect in body cavities such as the ...
user13785's user avatar
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Avoiding acute mountain sickness, high altitude pulmonary & cerebral edema

I have to fly to a town which is at high altitude. What precautions/drugs can I take to avoid acute mountain sickness or more life threatening accumulation of fluid in brain or lungs (high altitude ...
rncardio's user avatar
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