Questions tagged [dna]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why isn't the mRNA in covid-19 vaccines taken up by all types of cells?

I'm familiar with the basic principles by which the moderna/pfizer vaccines work. I'm confused about how the vaccines are able to make sure that mRNA is only taken up by dendritic cells. If mRNA is ...
iamsad's user avatar
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Effects of hypophosphatemia on DNA

There is a lot of supportive evidence that its role in ATP results in much of the clinical manifestation of hypophosphatemia, but I was wondering about the other roles where Phosphate is an important ...
Kon Hai Woh's user avatar
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What if we replace the DNA in stem cells with ours and we place the cells inside damaged organs to heal them?

I don't know a lot about stem cells or if a person's DNA could affect them in such a manner that if a person would have a damaged limb or organ, it would make it grow back with stem cell treatment.
SHPstr's user avatar
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Interesting data from stool/poop

I'm interested in getting personal health data from unusual sources. What are some surprising things you can learn from your stool/fecal material, e.g. regarding: Gut flora Digestive health ...
sambajetson's user avatar
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Pedigree disease risk calculation IRL - how difficult/expensive?

The probability of a child being affected by genetic diseases like Spinal muscular atrophy or Canavan disease (and many other) depends solely on the parents being carriers of such disease. Suppose ...
Alexander Mikhalchenko's user avatar