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Questions tagged [dehydration]

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How do particular skin layers show (de)hydration characteristics? [closed]

On the subject of health tracking and biosensors, in particular optical sensors such as blood pressure, optical sensor and blood oxygen level. Would an optical sensor theoretically be able to ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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How long is the delay when rehydrating orally vs. IV?

The going recommendation for patients who present to the emergency room with dehydration is IV fluids. It seems to me that this is fairly wasteful and needlessly expensive. Is rehydrating with a ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Are dehydration headaches visible on an MRI scan?

This article states following about dehydration headaches: Our brains are 80% water. When you become dehydrated your brain tissue loses water causing your brain to shrink and pull away from the skull....
Hinko Pih Pih's user avatar
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What happens to ICF in primary aldosteronism?

There is contradictory information in my two textbooks, As per Kaplan Physiology 2018, There is gain of isotonic fluid, because aldosteronism cause Na+ retention and water follow, so osmolality ...
Physicsapproval's user avatar
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Why does the brain shrink and increase energy usage after dehydration?

Along with mood and energy deficits a dehydrated brain has to use a lot more energy to accomplish the same tasks, shows a study from King's College London. Quote from Dehydration affects brain ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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What is the correct way to use the pinch test for dehydration?

My understanding is that the test works by pinching the back of your own hand for two seconds, then letting go. If the pinch "immediately" returns flat you are not dehydrated but if it doesn't, you ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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Is high blood pressure ever a symptom attributable solely to dehydration?

In other words, if someone doesn't have hypertension and they become dehydrated does, or can dehydration (not radical dehydration, just poor hydration practices) in and of itself cause high blood ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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Did science backtrack regarding coffee causing dehydration?

The question below highlights recent studies that conclude coffee does not necessarily dehydrate. Is decaffeinated coffee a diuretic? Why has it always been assumed otherwise? Perhaps the evidence ...
Jodes's user avatar
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How does poor sleep cause circles under one's eyes?

I've read that poor sleep causes circles under one's eyes. Also, I've read that they are caused by dehydration. Is it safe to assume that the way poor sleep causes the circles is by causing ...
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How to deal with dehydrating medicine

If a person is dehydrated by something that cannot be gotten rid of, and drinking a lot of water solves some parts of dehydration but not others, due to losing the water by freqent urination, what ...
Post169's user avatar
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Should I continue fasting if I have diarrhea?

Wikipedia says that Diarrhea can result in dehydration. Some religions demand that one fast on a regular basis. What are the possible consequences of fasting for most of the day if one has diarrhoea?...
Muslim_1234's user avatar
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Severely dehydrated. Any "quick" way to fix that?

I've been dehydrated (among other things) for the last 3 or so years due to stress and other factors, but I'm really beginning to feel it now. I am trying to drink water more, but that's hard when all ...
user83209's user avatar
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Rehydrate & avoiding dehydration without excessive urination?

I spend most of my time in nice air conditioning, but there are a few times when I anticipate allot of excercise where I'm at risk of dehydrating to the point that I will develop a headache. Usually ...
dsollen's user avatar
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If alcohol and coffee are both diuretics -- why do so many intoxicated ppl drink coffee to sober up? Dehydration concern.

First off, I don't drink alcohol or coffee so I'm not familiar with the basics and can't speak to the effectiveness of coffee on alcohol, etc. But I have questions: Is it even effective to "sober-up"...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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(Why) does hot water dry our skin more?

So I'm still trying to figure out whether it matters if you take a hot or cold or lukewarm or something-in-between shower. All the answers I found around the web were like "Yes, hot water does dry ...
SquidwART's user avatar
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How to mitigate thirst [closed]

Ramadan is starting soon, and I wonder what would be the best ways to mitigate thirst during a long period (in this case from dawn till dusk). EDIT: I was wondering what could be done not to suffer ...
vincenth's user avatar
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Dehydration after a nights sleep

After a nights sleep I wake up with a headache which is slightly relieve after a drinking water although I still feel tired and fuzzy headed for the rest of the day. The headaches started to occur ...
resolver101's user avatar
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Does sleeping produce heat and use up water in the body?

Several times, after an afternoon nap, I noticed that I was severely dehydrated and had a slight fever. Before the nap, I was feeling normal but tired. After the nap, the temperature went away and ...
Yvonne Liew's user avatar