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Questions tagged [cure]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why not getting rid of Toxoplasmosis pathogens completely?

I read it that a high percentage of mammals, including humans, carry parasites that cause Toxoplasmosis. Through my reading, it appears that it isn't really a "serious" disease. Nevertheless, ...
Akuzuki29087's user avatar
2 votes
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How promising is the engineered bs-bnAb as an HIV-1 therapeutic intervention?

I found that a lot of sites talk about this news: a research team from Hong Kong university invented a universal antibody drug for HIV-1 and they tested that in mice news source. Basically, they ...
shar's user avatar
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Why can't we "heal" Tinnitus by destroying the corresponding neurons?

So, my basic understanding is this: A neuron can either send a signal, or not. Sending a signal costs energy & work (and the neuron might only survive so and so many send-cycles). So let's say the ...
Sudix's user avatar
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