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Questions tagged [complications]

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Cardiovascular complications associated with COVID 19 by vaccination status and, if vaccinated, by type

I apologize if this is an obvious question. I think I am not finding research on this because I am asking the question wrong in literature searches. I am far outside my normal area of academic ...
Dave Harris's user avatar
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Why is chickenpox more severe in adults?

I've seen in many medical shows and were even told as a kid that chickenpox is quite severe in adults, and that's why it good to catch it and become immune as a child. I've tried researching the ...
Ethan's user avatar
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What could cause a stroke soon after a lung transplant? Is it even known?

Recently a youtuber died of a thrombotic stroke a week after a lung transplant operation. Skimming over abstracts on Pubmed, it appears that strokes and more generally thrombosis is a frequent ...
BatWannaBe's user avatar