Questions tagged [clostridium-difficile]

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Would collagen supplements affect C. diff?

I know that C. diff can bind to collagen (or maybe just broken down collagen?). Would a collagen supplement (specifically type 1 and 3) increase the germination in someone of C. diff in someone who’s ...
Kyle Horkley's user avatar
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Why is Clostridium difficile toxin A + B outdated in snomed?

I'm looking at the new version of the Snomed dictionary and the concept 707993000 Clostridium difficile toxin A + B (substance) is deactivated (and outdated) since version 20170731. Can anybody ...
dedek's user avatar
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Does C. Difficile disappear completely?

I have the chance to care (including changing diapers) for a disabled individual who previously had c diff, and was told he "no longer has it", but was later told it was only in remission. He is on ...
asparism's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is FMT an effective treatment for Clostridium difficile?

I have a relative who has gone through a few different courses of antibiotics to combat a Clostridium difficile infection, with limited success. As I understand it, the initial antibiotic course for ...
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