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Questions tagged [calories]

Calories are the basic units used in measuring the amount of energy in food. All bodily process (cell growth and division, muscle movement, metabolism, maintenance of body temperature, etc) require energy. What is not used on absorption is stored as fat. This is what causes weight gain. The [diet] tag should be used for structured eating plans. The [obesity] tag should be used for weight equal to or greater than 20% above ideal body weight.

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1 answer

How are Fat Calories in meat calculated?

There is standard 73% lean and more expensive 93% lean ground beef. When the 73% lean ground beef is cooked, a lot of fat melts off and gets poured out. When the 93% lean ground beef is cooked, not ...
jp2code's user avatar
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How does ethanol get metabolised into 'metabolic energy'?

Having read the question Is drinking alcohol a form of energy intake?, an answer cites the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition which claims Alcohol has a 'metabolic energy' (ie energy that gets ...
user2979044's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Can a calorie be neither protein, carbohydrate, nor fat?

I recently started using MyFitnessPal to try to lose weight and I noticed that a particular beer I had drunk has a tremendous number of calories relative to the number of grams of carbs it contains ...
Nathan Wailes's user avatar
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Does the same amount of calories have different result on people [closed]

I have always wondered how this come about. At work we hade a conference about this and some people say that some people get over weight because it´s genetics, even if they eat the same amount of ...
Erik's user avatar
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Empirically, do people who exercise less/more actually eat less/more, (and if so, to what degree)?

I am looking for the answer to what I think is a very basic question that people must have looked at: empirically, to what degree does food intake actually correlate with exercise, (especially in the ...
user3558855's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Intermittent Fasting: Why is exactly *zero* calories special?

Is there something special about exactly 0 calories vs 1 calorie? When researching Intermittent Fasting, the "magic" seems to come from the body's response to insulin dropping and its response to ...
iAdjunct's user avatar
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1 answer

Definition of a (food) calorie and burning food calories

From what I've been reading, a (food) calorie is defined to be the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 °C, equal to one thousand small calories and often used to ...
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I am confused about this hot sauce nutrition label

So I know calorie rounding is a thing. Although I don't know how it really works. Something like if it's under 5 calories you can put it as zero, correct? Regardless why is it, in the per 100 grams ...
Daniel Bisogno's user avatar
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Individual variation in food energy bio-availability

I'm sure that this question has been asked before, but I've been unable to find the correct wording to give useful search results. Nutritional information assumes the following energy values: 4kcal/...
Laurens's user avatar
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Burning calories in bath [closed]

If we are to believe this study ( taking a hot bath increases the amount of calories you burn per hour ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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What is the impact of electrolyte intake on weight loss?

A few years ago, the National Institutes of Health released a weight loss calculator based on a number of studies, supposedly allowing one to plug in a number of body and lifestyle factors, such as ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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How should I account for a blood donation while couting calories/trying to lose weight?

I am tracking my calories and other nutrients as part of an effort to lose a few pounds. I also have a whole blood donation scheduled today. If you aren't familiar with the process, afterward, they ...
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
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How many calories does it burn to regrow a liver?

The liver is rather unique in being able to regrow after partial donation. More interestingly, growing organs in general uses loads of energy, and while I'm not exactly advocating for advertising ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Weight gain as a function of calorie intake minus calorie consumption

If we neglect the effect of dehydration and BM, then is weight gain a one variable function of calorie intake minus calorie consumption? If yes, how many grams one would gain for excessive 1000 ...
asmani's user avatar
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Is there any way to increase self-burn calories rate?

Some would recommend doing more exercise, but somehow after couple weeks of exercise(burn at least 150 calories everyday), the rate still stay the exactly the same. Is the rate working like a fixed ...
Guest's user avatar
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Which website's calorie intake threshold to believe?

I'm 5'10 (178cm) male who is lightly active and weigh 55kg (122 lbs), and want to maintain this weight, thus have consulted some websites out there that have got 'calorie calculators' to determine the ...
tsp216's user avatar
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How do you measure the amount of calories with unlabeled foods?

How can you measure the number of calories you consume if whatever you’re eating doesn’t have a label or if you get it from a restaurant? I’ve never really counted but I’d like to start and I’m not ...
Actual_donut's user avatar
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Has the calorie content of soda (in US) increased over the years?

I recall reading, perhaps 25 years ago, one of those counter-intuitive factoids noting that milk had more calories than soda, ounce for ounce (but of course that this was offset by nutritional ...
nanoman's user avatar
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Calories uptake and reduce

If I eat something that has 200 calories, and say it's like a chocolate bar or maybe even a couple of beers is that the amount of calories I would have to work off? I guess the second part to that ...
user11060's user avatar
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What are the best foods for cutting calories? [closed]

Imagine that you accumulate fat VERY easily besides being unable to always prepare your food and eat healthy, and not having much time to exercise. If you wanted to cut calories, what would be the ...
SilverLink's user avatar
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Why does the calories from fat to total calories ratio not match the grams of fat to grams per serving ratio?

Having had some recent education on the macronutrients in food, I have learned that it is important to understand where the calories in your food come from, whether from protein, carbohydrates, or fat....
Michael Plautz's user avatar
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Why don't people who get gastric bypass surgery starve to death?

After a gastric bypass surgery you can only eat tiny meals, the severe calorie restriction causes rapid weight loss. What I don't understand is why the bodyweight will then eventually stabilize as the ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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What are the food that can be eaten without much calories intake? (to combat hand-to-mouth pattern)

I like iceberg lettuce for eating and absorbing a lot of water... What are the other foods I can eat endlessly without any calories intake?
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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How to read U.S. Dietary Guidelines Tables?

The U.S. Government publishes the Dietary Guidelines for nutrition. I am unclear on how to interpret the tables for Healthy Eating Patterns. Can you clarify how I read the data? Looking at Table A3-1....
user avatar
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Why would the following nutritional scenario lead to hunger etc?

Basically if someone had enough calories(but from mostly from carbohydrates and saturated fat only, with a little protein), why would they still feel hungry? I know lacking adequate protein and fats ...
James Wilson's user avatar
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Could refugees live off of oil and multivitamins (and maybe some protein)?

Thinking about refugees and the incredible problem of how to feed them, it occurred to me that vegetable oils are extremely calorie-dense, inexpensive and while relatively unpalatable, theoretically ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Calorie content of foods

I'm trying to regulate my calorie intake. I cook for myself and I need some reliable information on calorie content of typical foods I eat so I can adjust the portions in such way I actually lose ...
user3653831's user avatar
4 votes
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Identifying the right caloric intake for weight loss

So far I've lost 30 pounds, and I did it all with caloric restriction. I have gotten to where I can keep my caloric intake between 1500 and 1700 daily. However, since I started exercising regularly I'...
Mike Perrenoud's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between cal and Kcal?

When I started working out, I came across these two terms that are used interchangeably. On edible products energy is written in terms of Kcal While when running on a treadmill we lose calories. ...
xor's user avatar
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How long does it take to convert food into fat?

If I eat a very large meal, how long does my body take to convert the excess calories into fat?
ottotts's user avatar
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5 answers

Why are carbs said to be fattening?

I have friends who are trying to lose weight and they keep saying they can't eat certain foods because it is high in carbs and carbs are fattening. This doesn't make sense to me, I lost weight myself ...
Aequitas's user avatar
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What's the difference between eating 2000 Calories at once compared to eating 4 times a day at 500 Calories? [duplicate]

I wonder is there any difference in how many times I eat per day? Let's say I eat one big meal in the morning at 2000 Cal (at 9am). Is that any different than having 4 meals at 500 Cal throughout the ...
bodacydo's user avatar
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1 answer

Calories of McDonald's Big Mac vs. Quarter Pounder with Cheese [closed]

Friends wanted to go to McDonalds to eat. To find some healthier choices, I looked at the calorie, protein, fat, trans fat, carbohydrate, sugar, and cholesterol content of some of the items. I ...
Amazon Dies In Darkness's user avatar
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Is there a TDEE calculator which takes into account sleeping hours?

For the record, TDEE stands for 'Total Daily Energy Expenditure.' I have sleeping problems, which essentially require me to get ~12 hours of sleep a day. I'd assume this substantially lowers my TDEE, ...
jsmith's user avatar
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21 votes
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Is eating a meal with 2000 Calories at once any different from eating 4 times at 500 Calories?

I wonder if there any difference in how many times I eat per day? Let's say I eat one big meal in the morning at 2000 kcal (at 9am). Is that any different than having 4 meals at 500 kcal throughout ...
bodacydo's user avatar
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Different protein ratios in similar calorie diets

Consider the following scenarios: Scenario 1: 3000 kcal daily intake 250g protein Scenario 2: 3000 kcal daily intake 100g protein Question: Does the protein ratio affect how much fat can be ...
joao's user avatar
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Can the body be shocked into a faster metabolism?

It seems to be a relatively well-known fact that sudden extended periods of caloric restriction will cause a severe drop in metabolism. But I can't seem to find much research about the reverse process....
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Does BMR adjust and decrease in response to calorie restriction diets?

Is it possible for your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to adjust in response to dieting for long periods of time? If this does happen how much can it go down? I have heard that BMR ranges from 1000 - 2500 ...
jiniyt's user avatar
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4 answers

Can food make you put on more weight than it's own weight? [closed]

We all know that about 3500 calories is equivalent to 1 pound (7500 cals for 1kg). So can a piece of food weighing one pound have more than 3500 calories? What are the highest and lowest energy ...
Aequitas's user avatar
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