Questions tagged [breast]

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Why are the surgical margins for invasive ductal carcinoma less than the margins required for invasive ductal carcinoma in situ?

Per the NCCN guidelines version 4.2020 (which is unfortunately pay-walled), for invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), the recommended margins are no tumor on ink, while isolated ductal carcinoma in situ (...
Dylan Russell's user avatar
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How is Allred score found in an IHC breast tissue image?

In breast cancer immunohistochemistry (IHC), usually breast tissues are stained with ER/PR (Estrogen/Progesterone) stains so that ER/PR receptors (if present) show up. Allred score is a way of finding ...
Prasanjit Rath's user avatar
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What is the mechanism of action of tamoxifen and other SERMs on Gynecomastia?

I understand that several scientific articles show that tamoxifen and other SERMS such as clomifene and raloxifen are effective in reducing gynecomastia for humans in different age groups and ...
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Do Tamoxifen and other similar SERMs reduce chest fat chronically or permanently?

I am sorry if it mistaken (please comment or suggest an edit to fix) but by chronically I mean as long as the molecule is administered and effective and by permanently I mean after the molecule was ...
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What is Sentinel lymph node? [closed]

The axillary lymph node group does not include the sentinel lymph node and Wikipedia says it is a “hypothetical ” lymph node which is the first to be drained by a tumour. It also has a significant ...
Abin Antony's user avatar
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How is hereditary cancer risk estimated?

Consider the following example: Suppose X is a person whose mother Y died of cancer (breast) after undergoing treatment for 13 years. The doctors had said that Y could have lived 15 years but ...
Medical-Student's user avatar
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Does my breast size decrease permanently after weight loss?

I have been running for a while now and dieting, and I've lost a couple of pounds of weight. I'm now 130 lbs and 5 foot 11, and 25 years old. As a result, my breast size has also decreased. I've ...
FitnessGirl's user avatar
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Im 14 and I can feel a lump in my left breast. Is this normal? [closed]

Yesterday my left breast was kind of sore so I took of my bra and started feeling around it. I could feel a hard lump under where my nipple is which is quite big. Today it s only sore when I start to ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Typical size for breast tumor at the beginning and at the end of radiotherapy treatment

I'd like to know if you know about sizes of breast tumors at the beginning and at the end of a typical radiotherapy treatment. I know that standard scheduled (50 Gy in 25 sessions) and ...
Diego Ulloa's user avatar
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Permanent saline-injection breast augmentation?

One of my close friends recently underwent minor breast augmentation (up like a half size). She was telling me about the procedure and explained that that the doctor gave her an injection of something ...
Hal starship's user avatar
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What is the difference between abnormal cells and cancerous cells?

When a biopsy reveals that cells are "abnormal" but not cancerous, what does that actually mean?
End Anti-Semitic Hate's user avatar
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Is it possible to avoid a breast reduction surgery via exercise?

I've bumped into a few articles about women who had to take a breast reduction surgery because their large breasts were the reason of unacceptably high health issues, ranging from psychological issues ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Name of medicine specialty dealing with lactation

What is the name of the medicine specialty that studies female breast in the context of breastfeeding and lactation?
Bogi's user avatar
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What are the best natural foods to help reduce gynechomastia?

The internet has contradictory information on this topic. Some say soy is good, some say it is not. What are the recommended foods to help reduce gynechomastia in men (men boobs)?
samyb8's user avatar
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Should I sleep with my bra on?

I have always slept with my bra on. This summer is particularly hot and the sweating makes me feel uncomfortable. I was considering sleeping without a bra. All the below sentences are quoted directly ...
user3416's user avatar
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How does wearing a bra affect the firmness of breasts?

I have been looking around for some time now trying to understand how the usage of a bra affects the firmness of breasts. Some people say that it is fundamental to prevent it from becoming flaccid, ...
Matteo Monti's user avatar
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Do the usage of antiperspirants causes skin cancer or breast cancer

I was going through few articles and it have been mentioned that continuous usage of antiperspirants results in skin cancer or breast cancer and if its true can it cause more side effects over a long ...
Akshay Vasu's user avatar
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