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Questions tagged [body-fat]

Questions about the deposits of subcutaneous fat.

17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Ice bath cryolipolysis?

I've been hearing advertisements for a new fat reduction treatment called CoolSculpting, in which areas of fat are brought down to below the freezing point of fat but above the freezing point of water,...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Since fat is turned into water and CO2, would a person with more fat deposits survive longer without drinking?

Based on, far in our bodies is turned into water and CO2. Would this mean that a person with more adipose tissue can survive longer without water? https://en....
John's user avatar
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Do body composition analysers provide accurate readings or just estimates?

Similar to the recent question What is the error on various body fat percentages? I am looking for a gold-standard measure of Total Body Fat as a possible better predictor of Cardiovascular Disease ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Caffeine's role in fat oxidation

Seen here: It is stated: In agreement with the results of previous studies (1, 20), the present study showed that caffeine ingestion increased ...
Alex Elkman's user avatar
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Extended amenorrhea due to exercise - how to mitigate long-term damage?

One thing that female athletes with low body fat can encounter is amenorrhea. While not a problem in the short term, extended instances of this can lead to bone loss (osteopenia/osteoporosis). Are ...
cacodaemonia's user avatar
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Will cryolipolysis reduce fat cell's total number in human?

As we known, fat cell's number will not decrease for adults. Without other surgery, new fat cell will replace the dead fat cell and keep the total number constant. A and B are two people with same ...
maplemaple's user avatar
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Which one has lower fats? Skim milk Vs. Cottage cheese

I've MS and I would like to ask about which is better to eat Skim milk or cottage cheese? I especially ask about cottage cheese that is made for generations by our grandmothers at the back of the ...
user2824371's user avatar
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How many calories can the average human absorb in one day?

While researching the maximum amount of weight a person can safely lose per week, I came across an interesting factoid that basically stated that the maximum fat reserves that can be processed per day ...
stix's user avatar
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Does inhaled corticosteroids as a treatment for asthma result in weight gain?

I've found several contradicting answers to this question from several sources. Below are a few examples. The website and a research published on mention a link ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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What is the formula for calculating Body Water Percentage?

Given the available inputs of Gender Age Height (cm) Weight (kg) Fat (%) Muscle Mass (%) I know the Watson Formula calculates Total Body Water (in Litres) as TBW(Male) = 2.447 - 0.09156 X age + 0....
Vagnerr's user avatar
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Is there any disadantage in reduce belly fat by machines or by medical treatments

I saw lot of companies advertising in online or in TV that we can reduce belly fat by using their machines. Is that really works , Is there any disadvantages ? also i saw some take medical ...
USer345738380's user avatar
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Reversal of excess fat in men by increase in testosterone

An increase in testosterone can reverse the excess fat. As the men age I believe that decrease in testosterone causes fat gain. If we increase testosterone can we reverse the extra fat storage in the ...
WordCent's user avatar
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why do we need to keep a ratio between omega 3 and omega 6?

I finally understood it with this picture.
JinSnow's user avatar
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Raspberry Ketone Dietary Supplement? Fat-burning? Legit?

So I found (not expired or opened) a bottle of dietary supplements in my cabinet called "Ketone Raspberry" and it claims to "promote body fat reduction", "support increased metabolism," and "PROMOTE ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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If fat cell number stays the same after adulthood, how can adults gain huge amounts of weight?

A lot of research indicates that after the start of adulthood, the number of adipocytes in the body remains basically constant for the remainder of one's life. And yet, it is still possible for a ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Is fat burned even at caloric maintanance?

I have searched up that it looks like for the bodies daily needs of energy it uses a combination of energy sources even stored body fat (Substrate utilization at Rest). But these sites are complicated ...
Golden Boy's user avatar
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Cilostazol (PDE3 inhibitor) for topical weight loss

The relative importance of PDE3 inhibitors in lypolysis in human cells is relatively established. The selective PDE3 inhibitor cilostazol is known to be well tolerated by humans, and shows topical ...
Grigoris L. 's user avatar