Questions tagged [autopsy]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do coroners/forensic scientists know if an assault occurred during one's life or post-mortem?

I'm interested in forensic science, and continue to be surprised by the breadth of information that can be revealed from a body or other physical/forensic evidence. Warning: Graphic question. I've ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Can trauma to a liver with mild fat accumulation result in death?

Autopsy report of a person showed mild accumulation of fat in liver. Q1. Is mild accumulation of fat in liver common? There was evidence of trauma to upper abdominal cavity. Q2. Can mild trauma to ...
Shlok Singh Sobti's user avatar
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What percentage of deaths in the U.S. are accompanied by an autopsy?

What percentage of deaths in the US are accompanied by an autopsy? I know that the deceased's relatives must give consent for an autopsy to be performed (if they do not already know the will of the ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Cardiopulmonary capacity assessment

Is it possible to determine someone's cardiopulmonary capacity from organ/tissue/blood samples alone? No other clues allowed. Think about a non cooperative patient, who can lie in an anamnesis, or ...
rslemos's user avatar
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