Questions tagged [autophagy]

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Can fasting-induced autophagy impact vitiligo progression?

I recently came across a study titled "A Protective Role for Autophagy in Vitiligo" published in 2012, which is quite intriguing (source). However, the level of detail and technicality of ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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Does intermittent fasting induce autophagic cell death? In vitro and in vivo animal studies suggest that PF inactivates pro-proliferative pathways, while ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Is there evidence that humans should fast intermittently daily for 16 hours because it is healthy in general? [closed]

There is a big fasting boom on the internet, but it is hard to sift through the claims of fitness and health bloggers and the real evidence. I have spent hours reading studies on fasting - it is ...
Fipah's user avatar
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What are the physiologic indicators of keto-adaptation as it becomes our primary metabolism?

I understand that insulin prevents ketosis and glucagon prompts it. Aside from these antagonistic, pancreatic hormones, ketosis and keto-adaptation seems to emerge and establish itself through other ...
Rob Hanna's user avatar
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Does fasting improve your immune system even when you are already having some infection?

I am one of the self-motivated activists who run some groups to answer various misconceptions about science and try to fight against ignorance, pseudo-sciences and blind faiths. I was recently asked ...
Abhay's user avatar
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