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3 votes
1 answer

Where do I get deeper information about the origin of anatomical names?

When I am learning anatomy, I sometimes wonder "why does this structure is called like that". For instance: Today I found out where atlas and axis got there names from. Wikipedia told me &...
4 votes
2 answers

Anatomy: name of the crease between leg and groin

What is the name of the crease/fold/sulcus between the top of the leg and the groin? Here's an image:
0 votes
0 answers

What is the part between the eyebrow tail and above the eyelid called?

I need to know the anatomical name of the portion of the face between the eyebrow tail and the eyelid, as highlighted in red in the image below, as I need to refer to that particular area in writing ...
10 votes
1 answer

Why can we extend the middle finger when there is only one muscle for all fingers?

I'm wondering: there is the musculus extensor digitorum, that extends finger 2 to 5 up. There is an extra muscle for the 2. and the 5. finger (m. extensor digiti minimi and m. extensor indicis). But ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why can't you bend your index finger after your nervus medianus gets injured?

When you get a proximal injury of your nervus medianus, you get the symptom called "The hand of benediction". So among other things, you can not bend your index finger (because your mm. ...
0 votes
0 answers

What's the relationship between thyrohyoid membrane and medial thyrohyoid ligament? Are they distinct structures or are fused together?

I'm studying the anatomy of the larynx and I can't understand If larynx ligaments such as medial or lateral thyrohyoid ligaments are fused with the membrane or not.
2 votes
0 answers

What is the perineal sponge (female anatomy)?

In particular, what embryonic structure does the perineal sponge develop from and what male structure is it homologous to? Oh, and does it even exist at all? Because the data/mentions in the ...
2 votes
0 answers

The Q angle of the knee is different in men and women. Is this difference due to solely the width of the pelvis?

In men and women, the Q angle is different. Typically, for men, the angle is around 12° while, for women, the angle Q angle is 17°. As you can see from this image, if you were to connect the lines to ...
2 votes
0 answers

Question about nerves and their roots

I am new to anatomy and medical sciences in general. The other day, I was studying the stages of the brachial plexus (the roots, divisions, trunks, cords, branches, terminations and so forth). Then I ...
15 votes
3 answers

Why is BMI related to the square of height?

I'm aware that the U.S. CDC defines BMI (Body Mass Index) as mass (in kg) divided by height squared (in meters squared.) The CDC then defines what ranges are considered underweight, healthy, or ...
3 votes
2 answers

Where do I find an interactive 3D model of the human anatomy?

For medical students and more generally for learning purposes, an open-source website with a 3D human body model, in which we can "navigate" (zoom and move/walk), a little bit like a "Google ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between Nasion and Root of Nose?

I am now studying the area of the nose and getting acquainted with the anatomy of this place - I came across these two terms. I originally thought that Nazion is where Frontal bone and Nasal bones ...
1 vote
1 answer

External hemorrhoids swollen but not thrombosed - why not drain on their own?

I've used web search and have read now quite a number of articles on hemorrhoids, the key info as far as I understood: hemorrhoids / haemorrhoids term is used to refer to both decease (HD from now on)...
0 votes
0 answers

Where to Download Brain Anatomy 3D Model?

I am doing a virtual reality simulation for endoscopic brain surgery. I need a medically accurate 3D model of a human head. It has to include all the veins, skull, muscles, nerves and brain anatomy. ...
0 votes
2 answers

Studying Anatomy

I am having troubles studying anatomy. Specifically, memorizing all the relations, courses and branches of certain arteries or veins. Can someone suggest a good way to study efficiently? Thank you.
1 vote
0 answers

What determines "flexion" vs "extension" terminology? [closed]

Why is lifting your arm (or leg) in front of your body (like a Nazi salute, rather than swinging it behind your back like a martial arts shoulder pin) called flexion rather than extension? And why is ...
2 votes
0 answers

How is sperm stored in the testicles? [closed]

I know that men's spermatozoids are stored in testicles and are pumped out during sex or masturbation. If someone needs more and thicker sperm, does it matter how long it has been since one has last ...
2 votes
1 answer

How much electromagnetic radiation applied to skin will cause pain?

Is there any research on how much EM radiation applied to human skin will cause significant pain (I guess an appropriate unit of measurement for the amount of radiation would be Watt/cm^2, not sure ...
5 votes
1 answer

What does "parenchymal organs" mean?

I read across one sentence saying: Iron overload is also common and equally detrimental, affecting parenchymal organs including the liver, heart and pancreas. What is a parenchymal organ? I know ...
3 votes
2 answers

How do I specify a particular side of a finger?

I'm trying to indicate which side of a finger an injury has occurred (e.g., a cut). Depending on orientation of the hand left/right / sinister/dexter seems ambiguous. I look at my palms it's one way, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why is the Virchow node involved in Gastric Adeonocarcinoma?

The lymph node drainage of the stomach is via the pyloric and related lymph nodes. Either way, the supraclavicular node (Virchow's node) is not the first lymph node that drains the Stomach. According ...
2 votes
1 answer

Supracondylar Fracture to the Humerus

Why does a supracondylar fracture lead to a median nerve injury and not the ulnar? According to one of Gray's Anatomy Review's practice questions, it was the median. Doesn't the median nerve pass in ...
5 votes
0 answers

Is hanging from a bar contraindicated in the case of a shoulder dislocation history with labrum damage?

I have just found a book by John Kirsch "Shoulder Pain? The Solution & Prevention" (see also here and here) which promotes hanging form a bar with extended arms ("dead hang") as (partial) ...
-4 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between internal organs between sub-saharan Africans and Northern Europeans? [closed]

(I'll aim this question mostly at surgeons who may have done a lot of surgeries in different countries or countries with a lots of diverse ethnic groups.) Lets take as examples a typical Norwegian ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does blood pressure have a daily pattern?

before nothing I am not a doctor, I am a simple programmer that likes to read about medicial sciencies. I've read in this book that the blood pressure it very important; is it really? Then I have ...
0 votes
1 answer

Good popular informative video guides to human anatomy? [closed]

Can you recommend visually illustrative, but still scientifically justified video guides with exhaustive commentary to organs and/or systems of the human body? I'd like to familiarize myself with ...
1 vote
0 answers

What are the names of surgical instruments?

My questions Please tell me the names of scissors (1) and (2) of the following figure. Please also refer to the differences in characteristics of (1) and (2) for the case when we use ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Lesion of the Nn. fibulares

The N. fibularis communis splits at the Caput fibulae into two separate branches. While the N. fibularis superficialis innervates the muscles in the Compartimentum cruris fibularis, the N. fibularis ...
2 votes
1 answer

X is related posteriorly to Y [closed]

I asked this question in the English language section but was advised to repost this question in this section instead. So, if "X is posterior to Y" means "X is behind Y". Then, if the statement is "...
2 votes
0 answers

Cause of distal convergence in anterior teeth

In anterior teeth, the distal side of the incisal edge is more curved than the mesial side. Furthermore, the incisal edge slopes distally, and the cingulum twists towards the distal side. Why does ...
4 votes
1 answer

Do uteruses return to their original size after a full-term birth or are they slightly bigger than one that's never grown?

Assume these two uteruses we're talking about are healthy. A uterus is about the size of a plum. After postpartum, would a uterus that carried a full-term infant return to it's original size or ...
0 votes
1 answer

Where might "Counter side Ax" be located? (Description of tumor location)

From a clinical trial article: The table describes the locations in which breast cancer tumors recurred in patients. I think that Ax means "axillary" or "axilla", but I don't understand the whole ...
5 votes
1 answer

Could a high TSH level mean a problem with the pituitary gland?

When our physician suspects we might have a problem with our thyroid he sends us to check the TSH level in our blood. If there is a lot of TSH in the blood it means that the thyroid can't work quickly ...
0 votes
1 answer

Calculate blood coming out from cut blood vessel per minute

I am probably searching for some math equation which takes BPM and some specific blood vessel index to calculate blood outcome.(maybe including hearth entropy) If for example we took right subclavian ...
4 votes
1 answer

Abnormal shrinkage of the eyeball

Is there a condition which describes an abnormal shrinkage of the eyeball? That is, a counterpart to buphthalmos (an abnormal enlargement of the eyeball).
0 votes
1 answer

What is the name for an underdeveloped MCP joint in the thumb?

Lets say a person is born with both thumbs unable to "bend" more than 5 degrees at the MCP joint (center or middle joint). This picture is of a thumb bending well over 45 degrees at the same joint.
7 votes
2 answers

Resources for human anatomy

What are preferably free and preferably PDF filetype online resources that one can use to study the basic anatomy of the human body? Disclaimer I feel like these would be great for Health.SE as we ...
0 votes
1 answer

Meatus acusticus externus

I have a question referring to the external auditory canal. Is the convex bending of the auditory canal usually strong enough, that any object (like a water jet or something) can not directly hit the ...
0 votes
2 answers

What would be the impact of taking a 1 cell thick slice down the middle of a person [closed]

Would the brain be damaged, or would everything just stick itself together instantly?
4 votes
1 answer

What is the distal portion of the ribs?

Today I read an article about "rib subtotal removal" for plastic surgeries for "Waistline reduction". In the article, the author (Dr Barry) mentioned "Only the most outer or distal portion of the ribs ...
2 votes
0 answers

When did the physicians realize that knowledge of internal anatomy can help in healing the patient?

When did the physicians realize that knowledge of internal anatomy can help in healing the patient? I know that human dissections were rare until 15-16c. But there were earlier cultures like the ...