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Questions tagged [alkaline]

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Removing pesticide residue from fruits and vegatables

I just came to know from a friend that washing fruits and vegetables with alkaline water is very effective in removing pesticide residues. I looked on internet and found some studies arguing that it's ...
kuzk34's user avatar
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How reliable is enteric coating on capsules?

Some probiotics are labelled "gastro resistant coating". Based on my limited knowledge and research, they are enteric capsules and they work based on changing PH in the GI tract. The first ...
kng's user avatar
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Blood pH when exercising. Rising pH? Maybe somehow related to lactic acid and hyperventilation [closed]

Exercise generally acidises the blood. I'm looking for information on the timing of onset and how long this lasts after the exercise. Furthermore, I'm looking for info on alkalization of blood caused ...
Kaktus12345's user avatar
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Is there any evidence for any positive effects on body functions by alkaline spas?

When a friend asked me what she could expect from alkaline bathings, did I know of any evidence. A quick research also did not reveal meaningful data. From what I know there should be absolutely no ...
haemse's user avatar
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Honey. Is it really alkaline forming?

Honey may be acidic, but, like lemons, it is alkaline-forming in the body. Once in the stomach, it can actually alkalinize your system. In general, your diet should be made up of about 70 percent ...
Zen-Ventzi-Marinov's user avatar
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Urine analysis, the baking soda myth

So there is a remedy floating around the internet that states 1 tblspn of baking soda mixed in 8 oz of water results in forced excretion of water soluble drugs. For example methamphetamine. I'm not ...
Joseph DeLeon's user avatar
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What is alkaline food's actual impact on internal ph regulation?

Dozens of sites throughout the internet nowadays, seemingly concerning nutrition, essentially try to convey the same message: alkaline food helps to regulate your internal pH. Having read some ...
dRyW's user avatar
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