because I have diabetes, I try to have more dried fruits instead of cookies, and one of my recent favorites is dried figs. I buy them from Costco. Today I came across this page on Amazon on the same product. I was surprised by the negative reviews, and it turns out that apparently some of these figs contain dead worms! Or as the second most helpful review called them, maggots.
It freaked me out! I'm a very picky eater and don't even like seafood, so forget about anything exotic as eating worms! I got nauseous thinking about it and the fact that I've had these for several months now, and went and dissected a few of the figs but could not see anything like that. Apparently they're fairly small and also hard to distinguish from the inner pulp of the fig.
While reading the comments I saw some angry discussion between some commentators about it, some saying that this is the norm and most fruits naturally dried have things like that inside them and alternative would be using pesticide and ingesting chemicals. That the US government allows some minimal level of things like that inside the food that we consume. Of course the other side was saying that this is wrong and dangerous.
I'm confused by all this and hope that some nutritionist or someone with specialty in this area can help me make sense of this. Thank you very much.