You're not using protein as it is to maintain your body. It's first broken down to the individual amino acids, which your body can then use to build new stuff.
If you're lacking one of the essential amino acids, you can only build as much new protein until that runs out, and all the other amino acids are just excess. A protein that contains all the necessary amino acids is called a complete protein, and you could calculate the differences in the so-called quality of the protein.
A perfect protein (i.e. from egg/milk/soy) will contain amino acids in exactly the ratio you need, some protein contains so little of a certain amino acid that you'd need to eat twice as much of that protein (for example rice or peanuts).
In your case, if beef is making you recover fastest, you'd need to eat 30*0.92/0.70 = 39g of peas for the same effect.
You could get around this by combining different sources of protein. For example grains are limited in lysine, while beans are limited in cysteine/methionine.