I’m daily visiting a patient in a hospital who has a high risk of infection. Before entering her room, I’m required to put on a gown and a face mask, and to disinfect my hands.
The gowns and masks are available in the corridor in front of the room; hand disinfection is available in the corridor in front of the room as well as inside of the room.
I’m coming from outside, carrying a jacket and a backpack.
In which order should I perform the involved steps?
I’m a medical layman, so maybe none of this matters, but I always wonder if I’m not undermining certain safety measures.
Especially regarding touching my jacket and backpack as well as the door handle after disinfecting my hands. My assumption is that it would make more sense to disinfect my hands after entering the room and putting away my stuff, but maybe this increases the risk?
However, would putting on the mask and gown with non-disinfected hands be risky? So should I disinfect before and after entering the room?