In general a consenting procedure should consist of the following components:
- why the procedure is needed (type A aortic dissection / aneurysm)
- what is the procedure (endovascular graft)
- what are the risks of procedure (bleeding, infection, graft complications, recurrence, failure, stroke, death, etc)
- what are the risks of NOT performing the procedure (risks associated with the condition, which is rather nasty)
- what are the alternatives to the procedure (eg open surgery, medical therapy - ie just control blood pressure and accept the risk and consequences of worsening)
If you go down the route of Google Scholar / primary literatures, you may find discrepancies between various studies, or even conflicting statements. Therefore, I would recommend you to use keywords such as "review" or "guidelines" alongside with the specific condition, to obtain knowledge synthesized by field experts.
I would also recommend you to use the PICO framework if you find the above inadequate and would still like to dig deeper. Good luck!