Recently i saw an ultrasound device which instead of displaying the image on a grayscale displayed the image on a color gradient scale from yellow (on the bright end) over red towards black (on the dark end). Is there any name for the approach of displaying B-Mode on a color scale? All my attempts at searching for this lead me to information on color coded CW-Doppler sonography which is explicitly not what i am looking for.
1 Answer
I think I know what you mean - they're different color maps in lieu of the usual grayscale. I've very rarely seen them used by physicians and it is impossible to find screenshots online (sadly these days I don't have access to an ultrasound station).
From the GE Vivid 7/Vivid 7 PRO User's Manual:
Same manual, page 94
Color maps Displays a color map menu to optimize the greyscale presentation. The menu enables an option from a list of nonlinear gray-curves or different 2D-colorized curves to be selected.