It is widely known that pus from an abscess should be drained.
For an open wound, however, I'm unsure if removing the pus is always the right option.
I can imagine three reasons why the pus should be kept:
- Removing the pus could cause damage to the soft tissues surrounding it
- Pus can be a barrier, blocking bacteria from reaching the skin, and trapping moisture in
- Pus can "pack a wound", keeping it open while the tissues heal from the inside out
However, keeping the pus might cause further damage:
- Bacteria produce toxins that can inhibit healing. These toxins can be present in pus.
- The pus hides the wound, making it harder to monitor it.
- The pus can act as a plug, preventing free flowing of wound drainage
Is it always a good idea to remove the pus from a wound? Or should it sometimes be left alone?