According to this
Up to 650,000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year
This marks an increase on the previous global estimate of 250 000 – 500 000, which dates from over ten years ago and covered all influenza-related deaths, including cardiovascular disease or diabetes. The new figures of 290 000 – 650 000 deaths are based on more recent data from a larger, more diverse group of countries, including lower middle income countries, and exclude deaths from non-respiratory diseases.
And according to this,
How does new coronavirus compare to the flu
The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to news reports
Now for covid-19 worldwide, in 8 months deaths were over 800,000 worldwide
and the death rate according to this is between 0,5 to 1%
But in Argentina, according to this source which supposedly cites the Ministery of Health,
Around 32,000 persons die each year by flu and pneumonia
In 2018 around 32,000 persons died by flu and pneumonia in Argentina
This figure is amazingly high considered Argentina is #11 in number of covid-19 cases worldwide and it had in 6 months less than 10,000 deaths.
Here you could think, well, they say flu and pneumonia and there are other causes for pneumonia aside Influenza, but the article also says,
The flu is caused by the virus Influenza and it has in all its kinds a mortality of around 0,5%.
(I'm assuming he's talking about Argentina since he's the director of an infectologist institution in Argentina)
This would be (for Argentina) practically the same death rate for flu than for covid-19. Can this be possible? Can this be confirmed or refuted by other sources?