There are NBA players 7 feet (2.15m) tall who appear relatively slim and yet weigh 300 pounds (136kg) and more.
Is there a "rule of thumb" for estimating how much a man of greater height would weigh? I'm sure there isn't much empirical evidence about someone 8' tall, and even less of people taller yet, but what would be a "good guess" regarding the weight of a man 9'6" (3m) tall? That is, someone who was not skinny as the proverbial rail nor as corpulent as a Sumo wrestler (IOW, a "good average").
I'm sure it's not just a certain amount of weight per inch, because the taller a person is, the wider they would also tend to be, so any rule of thumb would probably be a graduated scale (the taller the person, the greater the weight gain per inch).
I'm guessing a 9'6" man would be at the very least 500 pounds (227kg), quite possibly 600 (273kg) or more.
Am I right?
height weight
, you'll probably find an answer right away.