Perhaps to emphasize the definition of vitamins:
The vitamins are a disparate group of compounds; they have little in
common either chemically or in their metabolic functions.
Nutritionally, they form a cohesive group of organic compounds that
are required in the diet in small amounts (micrograms or milligrams
per day) for the maintenance of normal health and metabolic integrity.
They are thus differentiated from the essential minerals and trace
elements (which are inorganic) and from essential amino and fatty
acids, which are required in larger amounts.
Below is a table showing the RDAs for named vitamins:
I compiled this tablet with information obtained from these sites:
While it may seem you are well under the upper tolerable limits, continuing this habit will eventually results in toxicity over a long period of time.
Bear in mind these micronutrients are needed in trace amounts and over-accumulation will inevitably introduce adverse effects.
Actually (as suggested in comments) you should be more concerned with the other minerals/components you are over consuming namely sodium and sugar. These surely will precipitate other conditions like organ damage, increased blood pressure, renal damage cardiovascular disease etc and you should be equally concerned as with the vitamins.