You should see a GI doctor. There are two ways to treat gastric ulcers. With antacids (like calcium carbonate "Tums") that bind with the acid and neutralize it, and medications that block acid production like PPIs and H2 blockers. Neither cause excessive acid secretion. The notion that an antacid causes excessive secretion is not recorded anywhere.
PPI and H2 blockers can cause excessive acid after you abruptly stop taking them. It's called rebound acid production or secretion. It's not permanent, however taking antacids after stopping acid reducers is recommended for a few weeks to allow your stomach to readjust to normal state.
In short, there is a very small possibility that rebound acid could cause an ulcer after you stop taking your acid reducer. That's just my logic on the matter. If treated properly, you should remain ulcer free. If not a specialist needs to find out why it's chronic if it is.