Situation: My NHS doctor asks me "Do you have any history of X in the family?"
(X can be anything you like: cancer, insanity, arthritis, sarcasm etc, doesn't matter, I'm more interested in the availability of information).
I was baffled by this question. Surely my medical records tell him who my parents/grandparents are, and therefore what my medical history is. Why is he asking me directly if he has the database at his fingertips? It's not like he's just making conversation.
My parent's sure don't tell me what ails them and I'm sure their parents didn't encumber them likewise. My own personal knowledge is certainly out-of-date, incomplete and unreliable at best!
If anyone knows the answer to his question, then it's his computer screen, right?
Is he just too damn lazy to look it up? Or doesn't he have access to my family information? Either way seems very worrying.
I've been attending this practice for my whole life, I've never transferred and have never requested new doctors, they have always been good, but now I'm really concerned that there is a disconnect that might leave me vulnerable to uninformed diagnosis.
Why doesn't he know my medical background?