The chart says that 100 grams of chickpeas have 364 calories, and 6 grams of total fat. It also tells you that the 6 grams of total fat is 9% of the "daily recommended value" for fat: this is because the total daily recommended value is 65 grams of fat, so 6/65 grams is about 9%.
These are fairly rough guidelines and there is no way for a universal rule to fit everyone. For a rough scaling you might base it on overall calorie needs, so if you only needed a 1200 calorie diet then the daily recommended fat would be about 65*1200/2000=39 grams, and 6 grams would be closer to 15% of the daily fat recommendation. There also may be more recent literature that suggests the guidelines should be updated, and I am not aware of any research that suggests these daily values should be met every day or that not meeting them exactly on average has any health impacts.