Rhinitis, nasal congestion and runny nose → from prior reading on these terms I recognize somewhat inconsistency in regards to how people define them or use them in various articles.
I personally understand that nasal congestion ("blocked nose" or "shutted nose") and runny nose ("phlegmy nose") are both possible symptoms of Rhinitis.
A mammal with Rhinitis can have either nasal congestion or runny nose, or both; depends on the condition.
I further understand that there are sub types of both nasal congestion and runny nose symptoms.
My problem
In my opinion, a great source of confusion is that sub types of "nasal congestion" are usually presented as sub types of Rhinitis in general (instead as sub type of a sub type of Rhinitis), for example:
- Rhinitis nonallregic (vasomotor)
- Rhinitis allergic
- Rhinits medicamentosa (can be a sub type by itself → of nonallergic (
, because it also does with the motion'motorics'
of blood vessels similarly to with Rhinitis vasomotor) - Mixed Rhinitis: Having one or more types of Rhinitis at once
Interim notes
I understand that differentiating between Rhinitis vasomotor and Rhinitis allergic is done by scoping the color of the nasal mucus; usually, very red color means vasomotor and very yellow color means allergic but often it is hard to differentiate and a combined therapy (for both) is given.
In comparison to nasal congestion sub types, I don't know about runny nose sub types (if at all exist).
My question
What is the difference between Rhinitis, nasal congestion and runny nose?