In the last months I have seen lots of articles about wearing masks and gloves to prevent the infecting yourself or others. In the case of the masks this is quite clear that we should wear them, but for the gloves I mostly found the opposite:
However, gloves have not been recommended as a precautionary measure against COVID-19 for the average citizen. That’s largely because of the evidence we have about how the disease is, and isn’t, transmitted.
The virus is not absorbed through skin, so you can’t contract COVID-19 through touch alone. To acquire coronavirus through touch, you would have to touch a contaminated surface and then touch your face.
Most sources indicate that gloves are not recommended for the regular folk.
This makes sense, but in the practice (at least for me), they seem to help:
- we should often disinfect the hands (e.g. after touching things touched by others like door handles, elevator buttons)
- disinfecting the smooth surface of a glove seems way easier than directly disinfecting the skin. Also the skin might not tolerate the substance (or at least dozens of applications per day)
- normally one wears gloves only dealing with dirty and/or dangerous stuff, so I expect to act as a deterrent to touching the face when wearing them
I am interesting in recommendations coming from a medical professional perspective (ideally based on some studies), as the articles I have read do not providing any scientific references.
Question: Is it helpful for the average citizen (non medical professionals) to wear gloves and disinfect them instead of disinfecting the bare hands?
"replacing the gloves without touching the outer surface is not very easy for the regular folk"
-- That's only the beginning of the problems. Ever tried taking off a pair of gloves on a warm day and putting on a new pair? Virtually impossible if your hands are sweaty (and they will be on a warm day). And if you're not changing gloves between each "encounter" then you're accomplishing nothing. I think they're little more than a false sense of security with a respiratory virus. People will think they can skip hand washing/sanitizing because of the gloves.