We know there is no cure for Covid-19 (currently) and the treatment focuses on managing symptoms as the virus runs its course.
The main symptoms of Covid-19 are
-Shortness of breath
There's no need to seek medical attention unless
-Trouble breathing
-Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
-New confusion or inability to arouse
-Bluish lips or face
From healthline the examples of therapies used for these illnesses include:
- antiviral or retroviral medications
- breathing support, such as mechanical ventilation
- steroids to reduce lung swelling
- blood plasma transfusions
But there's no mention of specific medications.
I have checked other pages and again, no specific medications.
I know there is a lot of medication of antivirals, to treat cough, fever, etc.
But is a special medication to treat these symptoms that came particularly from Covid-19 infection?
Or it doesn't matter that the symptoms came from Covid-19? they could be treated as a common cough or common fever, etc.?